Moldova, Republic of Holidays in 2025

List of public holidays in Moldova, Republic of 2025 calendar

1st JanuaryWednesdayNew Year's DayNational Holiday
7th JanuaryTuesdayOrthodox Christmas DayNational Holiday, Orthodox
8th JanuaryWednesdayOrthodox Christmas Day holidayNational Holiday, Orthodox
15th JanuaryWednesdayMihai Eminescu Commemoration DayObservance
27th JanuaryMondayHolocaust Remembrance DayObservance
14th FebruaryFridayValentine's DayObservance
15th FebruarySaturdayDay of Commemoration of the Victims of the Afghanistan WarObservance
1st MarchSaturdayMartisor (first day of spring)Observance
2nd MarchSundayRemembrance and Gratitude DayObservance
8th MarchSaturdayInternational Women's DayNational Holiday
20th MarchThursdayMarch EquinoxSeason
30th MarchSundayDaylight Saving Time startsClock Change/Daylight Saving Time
7th AprilMondayRemembrance and Freedom DayObservance
18th AprilFridayOrthodox Good FridayObservance, Orthodox
19th AprilSaturdayOrthodox Holy SaturdayObservance, Orthodox
19th AprilSaturdayDay of Victims of Organized Famine of 1946-1947Observance
20th AprilSundayOrthodox Easter SundayNational Holiday, Orthodox
21st AprilMondayOrthodox Easter MondayNational Holiday, Orthodox
26th AprilSaturdayDay of Victims of Nuclear AccidentsObservance
27th AprilSundayState Flag DayObservance
28th AprilMondayOccupational Health and Safety DayObservance
1st MayThursdayInternational Day of Solidarity of WorkersNational Holiday
9th MayFridayVictory DayNational Holiday
9th MayFridayEurope DayObservance
15th MayThursdayFamily DayObservance
22nd MayThursdayBălți DayLocal holiday
25th MaySundayDniester DayObservance
1st JuneSundayInternational Children's DayNational Holiday
5th JuneThursdayWorld Environment DayObservance
21st JuneSaturdayJune SolsticeSeason
22nd JuneSundayVictims of Fascism DayObservance
23rd JuneMondayStatehood DayObservance
26th JuneThursdayDay Against Illicit Drug Consumption and TraffickingObservance
29th JuneSundayPeoples Port DayObservance
30th JuneMondayCompetition DayObservance
2nd JulyWednesdayStephen the Great DayObservance
6th JulySundayVictims of Stalinism DayObservance
29th JulyTuesdayConstitution DayObservance
27th AugustWednesdayIndependence DayNational Holiday
31st AugustSundayLanguage DayNational Holiday
22nd SeptemberMondaySeptember EquinoxSeason
27th SeptemberSaturdayNational Apple FestivalObservance
28th SeptemberSundayNational Apple FestivalObservance
4th OctoberSaturdayWine DayObservance
5th OctoberSundayWine DayObservance
14th OctoberTuesdayChișinău DayLocal holiday
16th OctoberThursdayNational Food DayObservance
26th OctoberSundayDaylight Saving Time endsClock Change/Daylight Saving Time
31st OctoberFridayHalloweenObservance
21st NovemberFridayCahul DayLocal holiday
10th DecemberWednesdayInternational Human Rights DayObservance
21st DecemberSundayDecember SolsticeSeason
24th DecemberWednesdayChristmas EveObservance
25th DecemberThursdayChristmas DayNational Holiday
31st DecemberWednesdayNew Year's EveObservance
We strive to provide an accurate and up-to-date holiday's list for Moldova, Republic of. however, please note that some holidays dates may change. If you discover any discrepancies, kindly report to us.

Note: Some holidays are color-coded based on the types of holidays. For example -

  1. Public Holidays
  2. Local Holidays
  3. Other Holidays

Frequently Asked Questions

How many holidays in Moldova, Republic of this year in 2025?

There are 12 holidays in Moldova, Republic of in 2025

How to retrieve the Moldova, Republic of holidays list via API?

Simply make a GET request to v1/holidays?country=MD&year=2025 API to retrieve this list of Moldova, Republic of holidays. Here is an example using Node.js and our official package on NPM.

// Install the 11holidays package from NPM
// npm i 11holidays

import HolidaysApi from '11holidays';

const instance = new HolidaysApi(API_KEY);
const holidays = await instance.holidays.list({ country: 'MD', year: '2025'});

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