Israel Holidays in 2025

List of public holidays in Israel 2025 calendar

1st JanuaryWednesdayHanukkah (Day 7)Observance, Hebrew
2nd JanuaryThursdayHanukkah (Day 8)Observance, Hebrew
10th JanuaryFridayAsarah B'Tevet (Tenth of Tevet)Observance, Hebrew
13th FebruaryThursdayTu BishvatObservance, Hebrew
13th MarchThursdayFast of EstherObservance, Hebrew
13th MarchThursdayPurim EveObservance, Hebrew
14th MarchFridayPurimObservance, Hebrew
16th MarchSundayShushan Purim (Jerusalem)Observance, Hebrew
20th MarchThursdayMarch EquinoxSeason
8th AprilTuesdayAliyah DayOfficial Holiday, Business as usual
12th AprilSaturdayPassover EveObservance, Hebrew
13th AprilSundayPassover (Day 1)National Holiday, Hebrew
14th AprilMondayPassover (Day 2)Observance, Hebrew
15th AprilTuesdayPassover (Day 3)Observance, Hebrew
16th AprilWednesdayPassover (Day 4)Observance, Hebrew
17th AprilThursdayPassover (Day 5)Observance, Hebrew
18th AprilFridayPassover (Day 6)Observance, Hebrew
19th AprilSaturdayPassover (Day 7)National Holiday, Hebrew
23rd AprilWednesdayYom HaShoahObservance, Hebrew
30th AprilWednesdayYom HaZikaronObservance, Hebrew
1st MayThursdayYom HaAtzmautNational Holiday, Hebrew
16th MayFridayLag BaOmerObservance, Hebrew
26th MayMondayJerusalem DayObservance, Hebrew
1st JuneSundayShavuot EveObservance, Hebrew
2nd JuneMondayShavuotNational Holiday, Hebrew
21st JuneSaturdayJune SolsticeSeason
13th JulySunday17th of TammuzObservance, Hebrew
2nd AugustSaturdayTisha B'Av EveObservance, Hebrew
3rd AugustSundayTisha B'AvObservance, Hebrew
22nd SeptemberMondayRosh Hashana EveObservance, Hebrew
22nd SeptemberMondaySeptember EquinoxSeason
23rd SeptemberTuesdayRosh HashanaNational Holiday, Hebrew
24th SeptemberWednesdayRosh Hashana (Day 2)National Holiday, Hebrew
25th SeptemberThursdayGedaliah FastObservance, Hebrew
1st OctoberWednesdayYom Kippur EveObservance, Hebrew
2nd OctoberThursdayYom KippurNational Holiday, Hebrew
6th OctoberMondaySukkot EveObservance, Hebrew
7th OctoberTuesdaySukkot (Day 1)National Holiday, Hebrew
8th OctoberWednesdaySukkot (Day 2)Observance, Hebrew
9th OctoberThursdaySukkot (Day 3)Observance, Hebrew
10th OctoberFridaySukkot (Day 4)Observance, Hebrew
11th OctoberSaturdaySukkot (Day 5)Observance, Hebrew
12th OctoberSundaySukkot (Day 6)Observance, Hebrew
13th OctoberMondaySukkot (Day 7) / Hoshanah RabahObservance, Hebrew
14th OctoberTuesdayShemini Atzeret / Simchat TorahNational Holiday, Hebrew
29th OctoberWednesdayAliyah Day School ObservanceObservance
15th DecemberMondayHanukkah (Day 1)Observance, Hebrew
16th DecemberTuesdayHanukkah (Day 2)Observance, Hebrew
17th DecemberWednesdayHanukkah (Day 3)Observance, Hebrew
18th DecemberThursdayHanukkah (Day 4)Observance, Hebrew
19th DecemberFridayHanukkah (Day 5)Observance, Hebrew
20th DecemberSaturdayHanukkah (Day 6) / Rosh Chodesh TevetObservance, Hebrew
21st DecemberSundayHanukkah (Day 7)Observance, Hebrew
21st DecemberSundayDecember SolsticeSeason
22nd DecemberMondayHanukkah (Day 8)Observance, Hebrew
30th DecemberTuesdayAsarah B'Tevet (Tenth of Tevet)Observance, Hebrew
We strive to provide an accurate and up-to-date holiday's list for Israel. however, please note that some holidays dates may change. If you discover any discrepancies, kindly report to us.

Note: Some holidays are color-coded based on the types of holidays. For example -

  1. Public Holidays
  2. Local Holidays
  3. Other Holidays

Frequently Asked Questions

How many holidays in Israel this year in 2025?

There are 9 holidays in Israel in 2025

How to retrieve the Israel holidays list via API?

Simply make a GET request to v1/holidays?country=IL&year=2025 API to retrieve this list of Israel holidays. Here is an example using Node.js and our official package on NPM.

// Install the 11holidays package from NPM
// npm i 11holidays

import HolidaysApi from '11holidays';

const instance = new HolidaysApi(API_KEY);
const holidays = await instance.holidays.list({ country: 'IL', year: '2025'});

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