China Holidays in 2025

List of public holidays in China 2025 calendar

1st JanuaryWednesdayNew Year's DayNational Holiday
26th JanuarySundaySpecial Working DayWorking Day on a Weekend
28th JanuaryTuesdaySpring Festival EveNational Holiday
29th JanuaryWednesdayChinese New YearNational Holiday
30th JanuaryThursdaySpring Festival Golden Week holidayNational Holiday
31st JanuaryFridaySpring Festival Golden Week holidayNational Holiday
1st FebruarySaturdaySpring Festival Golden Week holidayNational Holiday
2nd FebruarySundaySpring Festival Golden Week holidayNational Holiday
3rd FebruaryMondaySpring Festival Golden Week holidayNational Holiday
4th FebruaryTuesdaySpring Festival Golden Week holidayNational Holiday
8th FebruarySaturdaySpecial Working DayWorking Day on a Weekend
12th FebruaryWednesdayLantern FestivalObservance
1st MarchSaturdayZhonghe FestivalObservance
8th MarchSaturdayInternational Women's DayHalf day holiday
12th MarchWednesdayArbor DayObservance
20th MarchThursdayMarch EquinoxSeason
4th AprilFridayQing Ming Jie holidayNational Holiday
5th AprilSaturdayQing Ming JieNational Holiday
6th AprilSundayQing Ming Jie holidayNational Holiday
27th AprilSundaySpecial Working DayWorking Day on a Weekend
1st MayThursdayLabour DayNational Holiday
2nd MayFridayLabour Day HolidayNational Holiday
3rd MaySaturdayLabour Day HolidayNational Holiday
4th MaySundayLabour Day HolidayNational Holiday
4th MaySundayYouth DayHalf day holiday
5th MayMondayLabour Day HolidayNational Holiday
31st MaySaturdayDragon Boat FestivalNational Holiday
1st JuneSundayChildren's DayOther Observance
1st JuneSundayDragon Boat Festival holidayNational Holiday
2nd JuneMondayDragon Boat Festival holidayNational Holiday
21st JuneSaturdayJune SolsticeSeason
1st JulyTuesdayCPC Founding DayOther Observance
11th JulyFridayMaritime DayOther Observance
1st AugustFridayArmy DayOther Observance
29th AugustFridayChinese Valentine's DayObservance
6th SeptemberSaturdaySpirit FestivalObservance
10th SeptemberWednesdayTeachers' DayObservance
23rd SeptemberTuesdaySeptember EquinoxSeason
28th SeptemberSundaySpecial Working DayWorking Day on a Weekend
1st OctoberWednesdayNational DayNational Holiday
2nd OctoberThursdayNational Day Golden Week holidayNational Holiday
3rd OctoberFridayNational Day Golden Week holidayNational Holiday
4th OctoberSaturdayNational Day Golden Week holidayNational Holiday
5th OctoberSundayNational Day Golden Week holidayNational Holiday
6th OctoberMondayNational Day Golden Week holidayNational Holiday
6th OctoberMondayMid-Autumn FestivalNational Holiday
7th OctoberTuesdayNational Day Golden Week holidayNational Holiday
8th OctoberWednesdayNational Day Golden Week holidayNational Holiday
11th OctoberSaturdaySpecial Working DayWorking Day on a Weekend
29th OctoberWednesdayDouble Ninth FestivalObservance
8th NovemberSaturdayJournalists' DayOther Observance
21st DecemberSundayDecember SolsticeSeason
25th DecemberThursdayChristmas DayObservance
We strive to provide an accurate and up-to-date holiday's list for China. however, please note that some holidays dates may change. If you discover any discrepancies, kindly report to us.

Note: Some holidays are color-coded based on the types of holidays. For example -

  1. Public Holidays
  2. Local Holidays
  3. Other Holidays

Frequently Asked Questions

How many holidays in China this year in 2025?

There are 29 holidays in China in 2025

How to retrieve the China holidays list via API?

Simply make a GET request to v1/holidays?country=CN&year=2025 API to retrieve this list of China holidays. Here is an example using Node.js and our official package on NPM.

// Install the 11holidays package from NPM
// npm i 11holidays

import HolidaysApi from '11holidays';

const instance = new HolidaysApi(API_KEY);
const holidays = await instance.holidays.list({ country: 'CN', year: '2025'});

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