Azerbaijan Holidays in 2023

List of public holidays in Azerbaijan 2023 calendar

1st JanuarySundayNew Year's DayPublic holiday
2nd JanuaryMondayNew Year's HolidayPublic holiday
3rd JanuaryTuesdayDay off for New Year's DayPublic holiday
4th JanuaryWednesdayDay off for New Year's HolidayPublic holiday
20th JanuaryFridayMartyrs’ DayPublic holiday
8th MarchWednesdayWomen's DayPublic holiday
20th MarchMondayNowruzPublic holiday
21st MarchTuesdayNowruz/Spring HolidayPublic holiday
21st MarchTuesdayMarch EquinoxSeason
22nd MarchWednesdayNowruz/Spring HolidayPublic holiday
23rd MarchThursdayNowruz/Spring HolidayPublic holiday
23rd MarchThursdayRamadan StartObservance
24th MarchFridayNowruz/Spring HolidayPublic holiday
21st AprilFridayRamadan holidayPublic holiday
22nd AprilSaturdayRamadan holidayPublic holiday
23rd AprilSundayRamadan holidayPublic holiday
24th AprilMondayRamadan holidayPublic holiday
9th MayTuesdayVictory Day over FascismPublic holiday
28th MaySundayRepublic DayPublic holiday
29th MayMondayDay off for Republic DayPublic holiday
15th JuneThursdayDay of National Salvation of the Azerbaijani PeoplePublic holiday
21st JuneWednesdayJune SolsticeSeason
26th JuneMondayAzerbaijan Armed Forces DayPublic holiday
28th JuneWednesdayFeast of the SacrificePublic holiday
29th JuneThursdayFeast of the Sacrifice HolidayPublic holiday
23rd SeptemberSaturdaySeptember EquinoxSeason
18th OctoberWednesdayNational Independence DayObservance
8th NovemberWednesdayVictory Day of the Republic of AzerbaijanPublic holiday
9th NovemberThursdayState Flag Day of AzerbaijanPublic holiday
12th NovemberSundayConstitution DayObservance
17th NovemberFridayNational Revival DayObservance
22nd DecemberFridayDecember SolsticeSeason
31st DecemberSundayWorld Azerbaijanis Solidarity DayPublic holiday
31st DecemberSundayNew Year's EveObservance
We strive to provide an accurate and up-to-date holiday's list for Azerbaijan. however, please note that some holidays dates may change. If you discover any discrepancies, kindly report to us.

Note: Some holidays are color-coded based on the types of holidays. For example -

  1. Public Holidays
  2. Local Holidays
  3. Other Holidays

Frequently Asked Questions

How many holidays in Azerbaijan this year in 2023?

There are 25 holidays in Azerbaijan in 2023

How to retrieve the Azerbaijan holidays list via API?

Simply make a GET request to v1/holidays?country=AZ&year=2023 API to retrieve this list of Azerbaijan holidays. Here is an example using Node.js and our official package on NPM.

// Install the 11holidays package from NPM
// npm i 11holidays

import HolidaysApi from '11holidays';

const instance = new HolidaysApi(API_KEY);
const holidays = await instance.holidays.list({ country: 'AZ', year: '2023'});

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